Saturday, March 31, 2007

Blog 11: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: Observation

In this unique picture from the Foley Gallery from the 2005 exhibit. The artist makes the cover of the book more alive and more animated than the typical drawn picture with some text on a sheet of paper. The three dimension in this picture that creates the pop out effect is very fun and cool to look at. There are two men, both wearing suits, one is wearing a white suit with a blue tie, and the other is wearing a navy blue suit with a red and black striped tie. The man with the white suit is very angry and has just punched the other man in the face. It must have been a very hard hit because the man that was hit his in excruciating pain. You can tell this from the anguish you can see in his face, eyes shut, cringing, and mouth open as if he is screaming from his pain. Both of his hands are stiff with his fingers bending, as if they are on their way to forming a fist to hold in his suffering. The man in the white suit still has a furious look on his face even after he successfully socked the other man. His look is one of such strength, he just used all he had in him in this punch. Also, half of his arm and fist have gone through the cover, representing how forceful his hit was. The man’s face who was punched is a lot closer to the observer and a lot clear and defined whereas the other man’s is further in the distance with a slight blur, not as distinct but enough to tell his angry emotion.


BreannaVogt said...

I like this picture it is interesting and delivers such a great message. There have been so many times, especially as a child, when I have picked a book because of it's cover. I can't tell you how many times they have been less than satisfactory. Some of the greatest books that I have read looked some what dull and took a while to get into them. However, once into the book I couldn't put it down!

Korin said...

First off, really sweet picture, 3D incorporations are usually pretty awesome, and I have never seen this one before. This was probably meant to be seen as something that was taking place in the book, but it’s still cool the way that the one guy is doing the punching and the other is doing the falling over after being hit. Your observations were very good, because it was describing what was going on without taking away from the picture.

Issah Mohammed said...

I like the title of this photo. It says it all to mankind. One of the most pervasive problems people have in today's world is that we make rush generalisations about people we do not even know.

This attitude has created suspicion and the enforcement of stereotypes causing tension between nations,communities,clans,families,races,friends and individuals at all levels of society.

If we will all take a minute to know someone before we judge and draw conclusions about them it will make this world a much better place to live for all of us and the generations to come

Martha E. Altman said...

I think you did a great job with your descriptions, however I think you put too much emphasis into your interpretation of the picture than actually describing it. Keep in mind, you did describe the picture in great detail, but it seemed to focus on the "story" of the picture rather than defining the elements incorporated into it.